Bill Soroka's Morning Rituals!

So it took some work to make morning's happen, but between "The Miracle Morning" and the Mel Robbins, "The Five Second Rule", I had to count down every morning, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

And that's how I would get out of bed. And then I had a mantra that says I choose greatness. And it's funny, whenever I, my alarm said that when it came up, it would say, I choose greatness. When I see that. To argue with that is to not choose greatness. So it really helped me get out of bed in the morning.

And that at the time was between three 30 and four, because of the life that I live. I was a mobile notary and loan signing agent. So at eight o'clock, my phone was ringing and dinging and I would work all the way sometimes till 11 o'clock at night. So if I wanted to do it, that was working in my business.

But if I wanted to do the move, the needle stuff to work on my business, I had to wake up early. And that's when I wrote the book. That's when I created my online course, I had to do that when my mind was fresh in the morning. So now I still get up. I.

I don't like to use an alarm. So it's sometime between four and five 30 every morning.