Traveling Robert Is Free In His RV

#podcastepisode #inspirationalwords #travelingrobert#motivations #successmindsets #eo40show #travelingrobert2021, #travelingrobertmusic, #travelingrobertflorida, #travelingrobert2020, #travelingrobertkeywest, #travelingrobertyellowstone, #travelingrobertcolorado, #travelingrobertoregon, #travelingrobertmichigan, #travelingrobertdrivingtothewest, #travelingrobertutah, #travelingrobertsummer2019, #travelingrobertglaciernationalpark

no, I think, I think you, you, you you'll pretty much cover all the bases there and. Yeah. At some point in 2017, I was in this dead-end job in this sort of dying industry. And I saw that my, my, my YouTube career was starting to take off. And, um, I took the risk, you know, they would say it's, and it's been a lot of work and a lot of fun, but, uh, but I'm one of those lucky people too, that has been able to make a living out of his passionate of what I love to do.

So. Yeah. It's, that's pretty much it.

Okay. Now, did your wife, what did she think when you were discussing quitting your job to go full-time with you're launching your show and your YouTube channel.

For the most part, everybody has been always very supportive. Of course there was always, I'm sure a hint of doubt in her and my mom too. Like you go, have you gone crazy this and that, but. But, you know, I was confident. I was confident and, and they were confident to, in a sense, you know, we, we had been seen the YouTube channel kind of almost duplicate the number of views and subscribers and therefore revenue over the years.

So every year kind of, so I figured out in two years, we're going to be able to break even, and this is going to work and it did.

that is awesome. So when your parents were traveling over all over Cuba with you, when you were in your young, uh, did, did you take, did they take video and photography of their adventures and did that kind of inspire you to, you know, to do your own

yeah, absolutely. At the time, I mean, we're talking. Probably beginning with the late seventies in Cuba, there was no way to do video. So, but, but my parents were always into photography and, uh, and we still have some of those pictures. They used to shooting slide film, which, which actually some of them are, have been preserved pretty good over there.

So I have all those pictures and they would always take the pictures out. And I would always imagine in my head, I always wanted to do video and or movies or what have you. So in my head, I would imagine how some of that would look, eh, in video. I w that, that, that, that I would have died to have a video camera back in those days when I was a teenager, like early teens, you know?

Yeah, it just wasn't accessible for even in the U S you know, I think we had, for the longest time, we only had bell on owl.

Yeah, well, you, you can, You.

can do that. The eight millimeter film back in the day in the seventies, that wasn't what it was. And they didn't until I think the eighties, but I was used to draw, like we used to sometimes get these magazines from the outside world. And I used to draw about the Sony beta movie and this cameras that were coming out that I'm like, oh, I wish we could have one of those.

And now that it wasn't available, it was somewhat illegal at the time to, to own one of those in, in, in the country. So, Yeah.

Yeah. So was there a particular historical figure that you look up to and inspires you regarding traveling, telling, and telling tales associated with it?

No, there are many of course, eh, but of course, one of my favorite writers that I, that I read west as a kid, as a child in the three, the Spanish translation was mark Twain. Mark Twain has many, many quotes about traveling. As you know, he was a very welded well-traveled person

Oh, it's incredible. The places he went to.

I mean, he was born in this small town by the Mississippi river by, you know, there, um, actually he was born nearby and they, he grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, and then he was all over the place, you know, and he has this quote that begins, that travel is fatal to prejudice.

And, uh, and I forget exactly how it goes after that, but it's like, we have a lot of preconceived notions of different places and different people around the world. And when you travel. You you learn and you change those preconceived notions. And, and that's something that's very deep because I've experienced it myself also.

Yeah, we've we've, we've gotten into watching a lot of travel videos or just videos about different countries. And it's amazing how many statues of mark Twain there are like and checklist Silvaco Kia? I think there was Liberia had one.

Different places. No, his, his leg sees no more all over the world. And it's incredible because I remember as a kid, I saw a, a TV series about Tom Sawyer, but It was made in Russia. They shuttered in the vault, in the vulgar river. So the Russia's made a Russian version of Tom Sawyer in there. This must have been the seventie