Everything Came Together For Bill Soroka

When I started looking back at what had gotten me to where I was like, when I published my book, I was like, I cannot believe I just, self-published a book that has been on the bestseller list since it came out.

Like when I started rewinding I'm like, how did this, how did it happen that go back. And I can see pivotal moments. So all of these, every step along the way has culminated into this and helped me become. Exactly who I needed to become in order to do this, I can see how in the early two thousands, I had a real estate marketing company and I can see the project that I, the, our big flagship pro product that I was going. That has helped me with my marketing today. I had a mattress company that the way that I built the relationships and brought people together to sell or to create and sell those has served me in building the community that I have now with my notaries.


I can see in the jewelry business and the liquor store promotions, and being able to give stuff away that has helped so much in what I do today too.

So it's really hard to identify it. But the key factor is I could have, and I did for many years, I stuffed it down into what the shame, right? Like I never wanted to talk about business failures because if I did people react to it, they're like, oh, in fact, even now I'll get it on social media. People are like, you want I'm going to take advice from somebody who failed 26 times. Yeah.

you probably should because I've learned a few things along that way, but there was a time where that would have crippled me if, to hear that. But now I it's not something I'm like proud of. I'm not like, Hey, look at me. I failed 26 times, but I embraced every lesson along the road.

And I realized I couldn't be where I am today. I could not do the things that I do today. If I had not had those experiences.