Lise Cartwright Loves Traffic

Now, how are people finding your site? Obviously your books are in and of themselves or are lead magnets. Are they coming through there? Is there a lot of organic

Yeah. I mean, I

um, ads.

I predominantly do organic. I only ever run lead generation. I don't run conversion ads, traffic heads, or anything like that, purely lead generation. And if you're wondering what I'm talking about, I'm talking about Facebook. They have a specific lead generation ad campaign.

Um, so I only ever run those and everything else is organic. And, you know, I have 400 plus blog posts on my website, so I have a lot of. Data and essays already out there. Um, I've been in business for 10 years now, so that, um, my website has remained the same. The name has changed, but the content is still on there.

So typically people are finding me either through my books or through a Google search or, um, they found me through something else, you know, I've, I do podcast interviews, um, I've written and done guest, um, Everywhere. So, yeah, so I just, I get found or organic is, is, um, such a great long-term strategy, but it takes a little bit of time.

Right. But once it's the air, you, you don't need to pay for traffic.